Modifiers - Full List
Modifiers | Description |
CG | Policy criteria applied - reserved for use with Medicaid |
CR | Catastrophe / disaster related |
CS | Identify the service as subject to the cost-sharing wavier for COVID-19 testing-related services |
DC | Diagnostic / therapeutic site other than P/H to a community mental health center |
DE | Diagnostic / therapeutic site other than P/H to a residential/domiciliary/custodial fac. |
DF | Diagnostic / therapeutic site other than P/H to a federally qualified health center |
DG | Diagnostic / therapeutic site other than P/H to a hospital-based dialysis facility |
DH | Diagnostic / therapeutic site other than P/H to a Hospital |
DI | Diagnostic / therapeutic site other than P/H to a site of ambulance transport modes transfer |
DJ | Diagnostic / therapeutic site other than P/H to a non-hospital-based dialysis facility |
DN | Diagnostic site / Skilled nursing facility |
DP | Diagnostic / therapeutic site other than P/H to a physician's office |
DR | Diagnostic site / residence |
DS | Diagnostic / therapeutic site other than P/H to a scene of accident / acute event |
DU | Diagnostic / therapeutic site other than P/H to urgent care |
DX | Diagnostic / therapeutic site other than P/H to an intermediate stop at physician's office |
ED | Residential / domiciliary / custodial fac. to a community mental health center |
EE | Residential / domiciliary / custodial fac. to another residential / domiciliary /custodial fac. |
EF | Residential / domiciliary / custodial fac. to a federally qualified heath center |
EG | Residential / domiciliary / custodial fac. to a hospital-based dialysis facility |
EH | Extended care / hospital |
EI | Residential / domiciliary / custodial fac. to a site of ambulance transport modes transfer |
EJ | Residential / domiciliary / custodial fac. to a non-hospital-based dialysis facility |
EN | Residential / domiciliary / custodial fac. to a skilled nursing facility (SNF) |
EO | Residential / domiciliary / custodial fac. to a physician office |
EP | Service provided as part of Medicaid early periodic screening diagnosis and treatment (EPSDT) program |
ER | Residential / domiciliary / custodial fac. to a residence |
ES | Residential / domiciliary / custodial fac. to a scene of accident / acute event |
ET | Emergency services |
EU | Residential / domiciliary / custodial fac. to an Urgent Care |
EW | Residential / domiciliary / custodial fac. with treatment in place or via telehealth service |
EX | Residential / domiciliary / custodial fac. to an intermediate stop at physician's office |
EY | No physician or other licensed health care provider order for this item or service |
G1 | Most recent Urea Reduction Ration (URR) of less than 60% |
G2 | Most recent Urea Reduction Ration (URR) of 60% to 64.9% |
G3 | Most recent Urea Reduction Ration (URR) of 65% to 69.9% |
G4 | Most recent Urea Reduction Ration (URR) of 70% to 74.9% |
G5 | Most recent Urea Reduction Ration (URR) of 75% or greater |
G6 | ESRD patient for whom less than seven (7) dialysis session have been provided in a month |
GA | Waiver of liability statement issued as required by payer policy, individual case |
GD | Hospital - based dialysis facility to a diagnostic / therapeutic site other than P/H |
GE | Hospital - based dialysis facility to a residential / domiciliary /custodial fac. |
GG | Hospital - based dialysis facility to an other hospital-based dialysis facility |
GH | Hospital - based dialysis facility to a hospital |
GI | Hospital - based dialysis facility to a state of ambulance transport modes transfer |
GJ | Hospital - based dialysis facility to a non-hospital-based dialysis facility |
GM | Multiple patients on one ambulance trip |
GN | Hospital ESRD / skilled nursing facility |
GP | Hospital - based dialysis facility to a physician's office |
GR | Hospital ESRD /residence |
GS | Hospital - based dialysis facility to a scene of accident / acute event |
GT |
Via interactive audio and video telecommunications systems *Medicare no longer uses the GT modifier for professional services. However, many private payers still accept it. |
GW | Service not related to the hospice patient's terminal condition |
GX | Hospital - based dialysis facility to an intermediate stop at physician's office |
GY | Item or service statutorily excluded, does not meet the definition of any Medicare benefit |
GZ | Item or service expected to be denied as not reasonable and necessary |
HA |
Child/adolescent program
HD | Hospital to a diagnostic /therapeutic site other than P/H |
HE | Hospital / extended care |
HG | Hospital to a hospital-based dialysis facility |
HH | Hospital / hospital |
HI | Hospital to a site of ambulance transport modes transfer |
HJ | Hospital to a non-hospital-based dialysis facility |
HN | Hospital / skilled nursing facility |
HP | Hospital to a physician's office |
HR | Hospital / residence |
HS | Hospital to scene of accident / acute event |
HX | Hospital to intermediate stop at physician's office |
ID | Site of ambulance transport modes transfer to a diagnostic / therapeutic site other than P/H |
IE | Site of ambulance transport modes transfer to a residential / domiciliary / custodial fac. |
IG | Site of ambulance transport modes transfer to a hospital - based dialysis facility |
IH | Site of ambulance transport modes transfer to a hospital |
II | Site of ambulance transport modes transfer to another site of ambulance transport modes transfer |
IJ | Site of ambulance transport modes transfer to a non - hospital - based dialysis facility |
IN | Site of ambulance transport modes transfer to a skilled nursing facility (SNF) |
IP | Site of ambulance transport modes transfer to a physician's office |
IR | Site of ambulance transport modes transfer to a residence |
IS | Site of ambulance transport modes transfer to a scene of accident / acute event |
IX | Site of ambulance transport modes transfer to an intermediate stop at physician's office |
JC | Non - hospital - based dialysis facility to a community mental health center |
JD | Non - hospital - based dialysis facility to a diagnostic / therapeutic site other than P/H |
JE | Non - hospital - based dialysis facility to a residential /domiciliary / custodial fac. |
JG | Non - hospital - based dialysis facility to a hospital - based dialysis facility |
JH | Non - hospital - based dialysis facility to a hospital |
JI | Non - hospital - based dialysis facility to a site of ambulance transport modes transfer |
JJ | Non - hospital - based dialysis facility to another non - hospital - based dialysis facility |
JN | Freestanding ESRD / skilled nursing facility |
JP | Non - hospital - based dialysis facility to a physician's office |
JR | Freestanding ESRD / residence |
JS | Non - hospital - based dialysis facility to a scene of accident / acute event |
JX | Non - hospital - based dialysis facility to an intermediate stop at physician's office |
KF | Item designated by FDA as a class III device |
KH | Dmepos item initial claim purchase or first month rental |
KI | Dmepos item second or third month rental |
KJ | Dmepos item months four to 15 |
KX | Specific required documentation on file |
LL | Lease / rental use the LL modifier when DME equipment rental is to applied against the purchase price |
ND | Skilled nursing facility / diagnostic / therapeutic site other than P/H |
NE | Skilled nursing facility (SNF) to residential / domiciliary / custodial fac. |
NG | Skilled nursing facility / hospital ESRD |
NH | Skilled nursing facility / hospital |
NI | Skilled nursing facility (SNF) to a site of ambulance transport modes transfer |
NJ | Skilled nursing facility / freestanding ESRD |
NN | Skilled nursing facility (SNF) to another Skilled nursing facility (SNF) |
NP | Skilled nursing facility / physician's office |
NR | Skilled nursing facility to a residence |
NS | Skilled nursing facility (SNF) to a scene of accident / acute event |
NU | Skilled nursing facility to an urgent care |
NX | Skilled nursing facility (SNP) to an intermediate stop at physician's office |
PD | Physician's office to a diagnostic / therapeutic site other than P/H |
PE | Physician's office to a residential / domiciliary / custodial fac. |
PG | Physician's office to a hospital - based dialysis facility |
PH | Physician's office / hospital |
PI | Physician's office to a site of ambulance transport modes transfer |
PJ | Physician's office to a non - hospital - based dialysis facility |
PN | Physician's office / skilled nursing facility |
PP | Physician's office to another physician's office |
PR | Physician's office / residence |
PS | Physician's office to a scene of accident /acute event |
PX | Physician's office to an intermediate stop at physician's office |
QJ | Services / items provided to a prisoner or patient in state or local custody |
QL | Patient pronounced dead after ambulance called |
QM | Ambulance service provided under arrangement by a provider of services |
QN | Ambulance service furnished directly by a provider of services |
RD | Residence / diagnostic site |
RE | Residence to a residential / domiciliary / custodial fac. |
RG | Residence / hospital ESRD |
RH | Residence / hospital |
RI | Residence to a site of ambulance transport modes transfer |
RJ | Residence / freestanding ESRD |
RN | Residence to a skilled nursing facility (SNF) |
RO | Residence to a physician office |
RP | Residence / physician's office |
RR | Rental (use the 'RR' modifier when DME is be rented) |
RS | Residence to a scene of accident / acute event |
RX | Residence to an intermediate stop at physician's office |
SD | Scene of accident / acute event to a diagnostic / therapeutic site other than P/H |
SE | Scene of accident / acute event to a residential / domiciliary / custodial facility |
SF | Scene of accident / acute event to a federally qualified health center |
SG | Scene of accident / acute event to a hospital - based dialysis facility |
SH | Scene / hospital |
SI | Scene of accident / acute event to a site of ambulance transport modes transfer |
SJ | Scene of accident / acute event to a non-hospital-based dialysis facility |
SN | Scene of accident / acute event to a skilled nursing facility (SNF) |
SP | Scene / physician's office |
SR | Scene of accident / acute event to a residence |
SS | Scene of accident / acute event to an other Scene of accident / acute event |
SX | Scene of accident / acute event to an intermediate stop at physician's office |
TK | Transporting more than one patient |
TN | Pickup location is rural |
TS | Two or more trips on the same day |
TU | Special payment rate, overtime |
U1 | Medicaid Level of Care 1, as defined by each state |
U2 | Medicaid Level of Care 2, as defined by each state |
U3 | Medicaid Level of Care 3, as defined by each state |
U4 | Medicaid Level of Care 4, as defined by each state |
UB | Medicaid Level of Care 11, as defined by each state |
UJ | Services provided at night |
UN | Two patients served |
UP | Three patients served |
UQ | Four patients served |
UR | Five patients served |
US | Six or more patient served |
59 | Distinct procedural service |
77 | Repeat procedure or service by the same physician or other qualified health care professional |