Modifiers - Full List

Modifiers Description
CG Policy criteria applied - reserved for use with Medicaid
CR Catastrophe / disaster related
CS Identify the service as subject to the cost-sharing wavier for COVID-19 testing-related services
DC Diagnostic / therapeutic site other than P/H to a community mental health center
DE Diagnostic / therapeutic site other than P/H to a residential/domiciliary/custodial fac.
DF Diagnostic / therapeutic site other than P/H to a federally qualified health center
DG Diagnostic / therapeutic site other than P/H to a hospital-based dialysis facility
DH Diagnostic / therapeutic site other than P/H to a Hospital
DI Diagnostic / therapeutic site other than P/H to a site of ambulance transport modes transfer
DJ Diagnostic / therapeutic site other than P/H to a non-hospital-based dialysis facility
DN Diagnostic site / Skilled nursing facility
DP Diagnostic / therapeutic site other than P/H to a physician's office
DR Diagnostic site / residence
DS Diagnostic / therapeutic site other than P/H to a scene of accident / acute event
DU Diagnostic / therapeutic site other than P/H to urgent care
DX Diagnostic / therapeutic site other than P/H to an intermediate stop at physician's office
ED Residential / domiciliary / custodial fac. to a community mental health center
EE Residential / domiciliary / custodial fac. to another residential / domiciliary /custodial fac.
EF Residential / domiciliary / custodial fac. to a federally qualified heath center
EG Residential / domiciliary / custodial fac. to a hospital-based dialysis facility
EH Extended care / hospital
EI Residential / domiciliary / custodial fac. to a site of ambulance transport modes transfer
EJ Residential / domiciliary / custodial fac. to a non-hospital-based dialysis facility
EN Residential / domiciliary / custodial fac. to a skilled nursing facility (SNF)
EO Residential / domiciliary / custodial fac. to a physician office
EP Service provided as part of Medicaid early periodic screening diagnosis and treatment (EPSDT) program
ER Residential / domiciliary / custodial fac. to a residence
ES Residential / domiciliary / custodial fac. to a scene of accident / acute event
ET Emergency services
EU Residential / domiciliary / custodial fac. to an Urgent Care
EW Residential / domiciliary / custodial fac. with treatment in place or via telehealth service
EX Residential / domiciliary / custodial fac. to an intermediate stop at physician's office
EY No physician or other licensed health care provider order for this item or service
G1 Most recent Urea Reduction Ration (URR) of less than 60%
G2 Most recent Urea Reduction Ration (URR) of 60% to 64.9%
G3 Most recent Urea Reduction Ration (URR) of 65% to 69.9%
G4 Most recent Urea Reduction Ration (URR) of 70% to 74.9%
G5 Most recent Urea Reduction Ration (URR) of 75% or greater
G6 ESRD patient for whom less than seven (7) dialysis session have been provided in a month
GA Waiver of liability statement issued as required by payer policy, individual case
GD Hospital - based dialysis facility to a diagnostic / therapeutic site other than P/H
GE Hospital - based dialysis facility to a residential / domiciliary /custodial fac.
GG Hospital - based dialysis facility to an other hospital-based dialysis facility
GH Hospital - based dialysis facility to a hospital
GI Hospital - based dialysis facility to a state of ambulance transport modes transfer
GJ Hospital - based dialysis facility to a non-hospital-based dialysis facility
GM Multiple patients on one ambulance trip
GN Hospital ESRD / skilled nursing facility
GP Hospital - based dialysis facility to a physician's office
GR Hospital ESRD /residence
GS Hospital - based dialysis facility to a scene of accident / acute event

Via interactive audio and video telecommunications systems

*Medicare no longer uses the GT modifier for professional services. However, many private payers still accept it.

GW Service not related to the hospice patient's terminal condition
GX Hospital - based dialysis facility to an intermediate stop at physician's office
GY Item or service statutorily excluded, does not meet the definition of any Medicare benefit
GZ Item or service expected to be denied as not reasonable and necessary

Child/adolescent program

  • Reserved for use with Medicaid

HD Hospital to a diagnostic /therapeutic site other than P/H
HE Hospital / extended care
HG Hospital to a hospital-based dialysis facility
HH Hospital / hospital
HI Hospital to a site of ambulance transport modes transfer
HJ Hospital to a non-hospital-based dialysis facility
HN Hospital / skilled nursing facility
HP Hospital to a physician's office
HR Hospital / residence
HS Hospital to scene of accident / acute event
HX Hospital to intermediate stop at physician's office
ID Site of ambulance transport modes transfer to a diagnostic / therapeutic site other than P/H
IE Site of ambulance transport modes transfer to a residential / domiciliary / custodial fac.
IG Site of ambulance transport modes transfer to a hospital - based dialysis facility
IH Site of ambulance transport modes transfer to a hospital
II Site of ambulance transport modes transfer to another site of ambulance transport modes transfer
IJ Site of ambulance transport modes transfer to a non - hospital - based dialysis facility
IN Site of ambulance transport modes transfer to a skilled nursing facility (SNF)
IP Site of ambulance transport modes transfer to a physician's office
IR Site of ambulance transport modes transfer to a residence
IS Site of ambulance transport modes transfer to a scene of accident / acute event
IX Site of ambulance transport modes transfer to an intermediate stop at physician's office
JC Non - hospital - based dialysis facility to a community mental health center
JD Non - hospital - based dialysis facility to a diagnostic / therapeutic site other than P/H
JE Non - hospital - based dialysis facility to a residential /domiciliary / custodial fac.
JG Non - hospital - based dialysis facility to a hospital - based dialysis facility
JH Non - hospital - based dialysis facility to a hospital
JI Non - hospital - based dialysis facility to a site of ambulance transport modes transfer
JJ Non - hospital - based dialysis facility to another non - hospital - based dialysis facility
JN Freestanding ESRD / skilled nursing facility
JP Non - hospital - based dialysis facility to a physician's office
JR Freestanding ESRD / residence
JS Non - hospital - based dialysis facility to a scene of accident / acute event
JX Non - hospital - based dialysis facility to an intermediate stop at physician's office
KF Item designated by FDA as a class III device
KH Dmepos item initial claim purchase or first month rental
KI Dmepos item second or third month rental
KJ Dmepos item months four to 15
KX Specific required documentation on file
LL Lease / rental use the LL modifier when DME equipment rental is to applied against the purchase price
ND Skilled nursing facility / diagnostic / therapeutic site other than P/H
NE Skilled nursing facility (SNF) to residential / domiciliary / custodial fac.
NG Skilled nursing facility / hospital ESRD
NH Skilled nursing facility / hospital
NI Skilled nursing facility (SNF) to a site of ambulance transport modes transfer
NJ Skilled nursing facility / freestanding ESRD
NN Skilled nursing facility (SNF) to another Skilled nursing facility (SNF)
NP Skilled nursing facility / physician's office
NR Skilled nursing facility to a residence
NS Skilled nursing facility (SNF) to a scene of accident / acute event
NU Skilled nursing facility to an urgent care
NX Skilled nursing facility (SNP) to an intermediate stop at physician's office
PD Physician's office to a diagnostic / therapeutic site other than P/H
PE Physician's office to a residential / domiciliary / custodial fac.
PG Physician's office to a hospital - based dialysis facility
PH Physician's office / hospital
PI Physician's office to a site of ambulance transport modes transfer
PJ Physician's office to a non - hospital - based dialysis facility
PN Physician's office / skilled nursing facility
PP Physician's office to another physician's office
PR Physician's office / residence
PS Physician's office to a scene of accident /acute event
PX Physician's office to an intermediate stop at physician's office
QJ Services / items provided to a prisoner or patient in state or local custody
QL Patient pronounced dead after ambulance called
QM Ambulance service provided under arrangement by a provider of services
QN Ambulance service furnished directly by a provider of services
RD Residence / diagnostic site
RE Residence to a residential / domiciliary / custodial fac.
RG Residence / hospital ESRD
RH Residence / hospital
RI Residence to a site of ambulance transport modes transfer
RJ Residence / freestanding ESRD
RN Residence to a skilled nursing facility (SNF)
RO Residence to a physician office
RP Residence / physician's office
RR Rental (use the 'RR' modifier when DME is be rented)
RS Residence to a scene of accident / acute event
RX Residence to an intermediate stop at physician's office
SD Scene of accident / acute event to a diagnostic / therapeutic site other than P/H
SE Scene of accident / acute event to a residential / domiciliary / custodial facility
SF Scene of accident / acute event to a federally qualified health center
SG Scene of accident / acute event to a hospital - based dialysis facility
SH Scene / hospital
SI Scene of accident / acute event to a site of ambulance transport modes transfer
SJ Scene of accident / acute event to a non-hospital-based dialysis facility
SN Scene of accident / acute event to a skilled nursing facility (SNF)
SP Scene / physician's office
SR Scene of accident / acute event to a residence
SS Scene of accident / acute event to an other Scene of accident / acute event
SX Scene of accident / acute event to an intermediate stop at physician's office
TK Transporting more than one patient
TN Pickup location is rural
TS Two or more trips on the same day
TU Special payment rate, overtime
U1 Medicaid Level of Care 1, as defined by each state
U2 Medicaid Level of Care 2, as defined by each state
U3 Medicaid Level of Care 3, as defined by each state
U4 Medicaid Level of Care 4, as defined by each state
UB Medicaid Level of Care 11, as defined by each state
UJ Services provided at night
UN Two patients served
UP Three patients served
UQ Four patients served
UR Five patients served
US Six or more patient served
59 Distinct procedural service
77 Repeat procedure or service by the same physician or other qualified health care professional